Our Goal
We aspire to break the cycle of poverty and provide the country with a brighter future by engaging disadvantaged children at an early age to give them a great foundation for educational and human development.
Educational Approach
The Kusasa Academy is registered with the Western Cape Education Department (WCED) and the Independent Schools Association of Southern Africa (ISASA). We have been accredited by UMALUSI (the SA Council for Quality Assurance in General and Further Education and Training) – accreditation number 20 SCH01 00807.
A broad curriculum that creates critical thinkers
The national curriculum and assessment policy statement provided by the South African Department of Education, and referred to as CAPS, underpins our curriculum. However, in our quest to further challenge our learners, we refer to our curriculum as CAPS PLUS!
Whole-brain teaching
Using the whole brain to engage children in learning allows for more flexibility in the classroom, activating learners’ brains for maximal involvement in the learning process.
Theme-related learning
Areas of the curriculum are integrated into themes, enabling teachers to link content areas from Grades 0 to 4.
Health and wellness
Learners receive a nutritional breakfast and lunch every day. A holistic approach to learning ensures the development of intellectual, emotional, social and physical functioning. Routine health checks and targeted interventions are conducted annually.
Access to technology
Learning through technology ensures that children develop appropriate 21st century skills. Learners from Grade R upwards have access to international online phonics/reading and mathematics programmes in our functional computer room. Here they progress at their own pace.
Instilling positive values
Our adult role-models promote values, such as respect and trustworthiness, and essential social skills, to equip learners for their life ahead as valuable members of our communities.
From the Head of School

Marie-Louise Raymond is a dynamic and compassionate leader, social worker and educator who took up the position of head of school in 2015. She is passionate about creating a love for learning at a young age and believes that through addressing the emotional challenges our learners experience, they can be happy individuals who are ready to learn within the classroom environment.
“My wish is for learners to say that The Kusasa Academy is their happy, safe place. I want them to tackle challenges confidently, yet be caring of others. Personal contact with each family is important as we want to understand each learner’s needs and challenges. They are the future of this wonderful country!”
The Children We Serve
Our school includes a balance of boys and girls, who are mostly Xhosa and Afrikaans native-speaking children from the local community. We employ a well-rounded approach to teaching, with a teaching staff that is committed to serving the whole child and working to help the child fulfil their potential, regardless of the external environment or social/economic situation.
Our Curriculum
Our morning celebration and routine:
Periods of emotional stress, discouragement and busy lifestyles can leave children demotivated and unable to concentrate. We start our morning with joyful singing and dancing so that learners are energised for the day ahead, and then we say our creed together. Our creed encourages learners and staff to make a success of that day, giving it their all! We also celebrate specific learners who are excelling academically or reflecting our values in a unique way.
Early Childhood Development Grade 0:
Our educators facilitate an in-depth language, numeracy and life skills programme at ECD level using principles from different curricula such as Maria Montessori and ISASA. Learners are also introduced to themes at a basic level, and we build on those themes as the grades progress. Classes are very small to allow for much individual attention. As they are still acquiring English language skills, the teacher and intern teacher readily translate content in their mother tongues.
Grade R
The focus in Grade R is still on learning through play, although our teaching approach is more formal, in line with the CAPS curriculum. Each learner’s progress in language and phonics is closely monitored. Research has shown that a child must have a vocabulary of at least 1 000 words in the language of instruction to be able to excel at Maths.
Grades 1-4
We follow, and extend, the CAPS curriculum. Learners are expected to read and speak in 3 official languages: English, Afrikaans and Xhosa. We have additional teaching contact time, so that learners can also participate in art, sports and computer lessons. At the end of Grade 4, learners move to another English-medium school in the area where they continue to soar.
Parental Involvement
Parents, learners and teachers should all be active participants in a child’s educational journey. This parent-child-teacher relationship triangle is key, for if one person abdicates their responsibility, success is unlikely. Our community is what makes our school excellent! We have grateful, willing parents who believe in a brighter future for their children. Our parents are required to commit 20 hours of their time per year to The Kusasa Academy, and have ample opportunities to participate in parental guidance workshops, in-class observation sessions, outings and other activities.
Educational Support
A holistic approach to learning ensures the development of intellectual, emotional, social and physical functioning. We have a fantastic school-based support team consisting of a speech therapist, a remedial teacher, occupational therapists, an educational psychologist and a social worker that foster this holistic approach to education. These forms of learner and family interventions are expensive, but very necessary. Please consider providing financial support for this cause so that no child is excluded.
Staff Development
At The Kusasa Academy we seek to make a love of learning contagious. We invest in effective professional development to support and develop our dedicated educators, so as to provide them with better ways to approach challenges and facilitate learning.
A motivated educator is key to a successful classroom!
100% black beneficiaries | S18A PBO approval with SARS | A proven track record since 2006
South African Charitable Trust (Number: IT53/2007) & PBO Number: 930026072
UMALUSI (the SA Council for Quality Assurance in General and Further Education and Training) accreditation number: 20 SCH01 00807
UK Registered Charity (Number: 1134655)
Netherlands Charity (Stichting 8511:28:002)
Affiliated with The Columbus Foundation. US Charity (EIN 31-6044264)