How You Can Help!
Each year our trustees must raise our full budget from foundations, friends and interested supporters.
Our staff work in a challenging social and political environment with one overriding, guiding principle – It’s all about the kids!
Help us by investing in a child’s education at The Kusasa Project. We also welcome donations toward general and administrative expenses.
Why Us? We have...
- A highly experienced, engaged, international, multi-skilled board: finance, legal, education, IT & telecoms, black empowerment, school governance, leadership coaching and sport
- An unbroken track record since 2006 of helping children in need
- In-depth knowledge of and relationships with the communities we serve
- An admired educational framework and methodology
- External expert advisors in all aspects of education and child development
- Passionate, hardworking and high calibre staff
- Excellent facilities
- 100% black beneficiaries for B-BBEE Socio-Economic Development scorecards
- S18A PBO approval with SARS – you can deduct donations to us from your taxable income
- All funds go directly to serve the children

Our Banking Details
Please use one of the following convenient payment methods.
Please remember to include your name and surname (or company name) with your payment:
South Africa
Nedbank South Africa
Branch Code:
Account Name:
The Kusasa Project
Account Number:
Please email james@thekusasaproject.org with the following information to request a tax certificate:
- Registered Name of Donor
- Donor nature of person (natural person, company, trust, etc.)
- Identification or registration number of the donor
- SARS Income Tax reference number of the donor
- Address of the donor
- Contact number of the donor
- Electronic mail (email) address of the donor

Account Name:
Stichting The Kusasa Project Netherlands
Account Number:
IBAN Number:
NL 58 RABO 0135981468
This is an approved Dutch ANBI. For a receipt for tax purposes, please email james@thekusasaproject.org with the following information:
- Name of Donor
- Address of Donor

United Kingdom
Virgin Money UK
Sort Code:
`Account Name:
The Kusasa Project UK
Account Number:
If you elect to allow us to claim an extra 25p for every £1 you give, through the HMRC Gift Aid scheme, please download the Gift Aid declaration form and send it to lindseycollinson@hotmail.co.uk

We are a beneficiary of The Columbus Foundation. You can make a donation to us via the foundation as follows:
Electronic transfer:
Please send an email to aparsons@columbusfoundation.org (Angela Parsons) or afhinusa@aol.com (Alan Harris) to obtain the bank details. Inform them of your donation and they will allocate it to the correct fund.
Must reference The Kusasa Project and be addressed to Angela Parsons, 1234 East Broad Street, Columbus, OH 43205

Donate Online
Other Initiatives

Stationery and Educational Aids
The Kusasa Academy is gladly accepts any stationery donations. Basic supplies like notebooks, pens, and pencils ensures that all students have equal access to learning tools, promoting a more equitable educational experience. It can positively impact students’ engagement, creativity, and overall academic performance, fostering a conducive learning environment.

My School
The Kusasa Academy is registered as a beneficiary of the MySchool Fundraising Programme. (This is a card system that allows supporters to raise funds for a school/charity every time they swipe their card at one of the partner stores.
Fundraise For Us
GivenGain enables anyone to fundraise on behalf of The Kusasa Project. It is safe and secure crowdfunding software used to spread awareness of our cause with the aim of securing donations. You can start raising funds by sharing your custom fundraiser. Click on the button below to see our fundraising guidelines.
Current Campaigns
Donate Your Time
People often find fulfillment in volunteering at schools because it allows them to contribute to their community, make a positive impact on students’ lives, and foster a sense of connection and purpose.
100% black beneficiaries | S18A PBO approval with SARS | A proven track record since 2006
South African Charitable Trust (Number: IT53/2007) & PBO Number: 930026072
UMALUSI (the SA Council for Quality Assurance in General and Further Education and Training) accreditation number: 20 SCH01 00807
UK Registered Charity (Number: 1134655)
Netherlands Charity (Stichting 8511:28:002)
Affiliated with The Columbus Foundation. US Charity (EIN 31-6044264)