Welcome to our newbies!

Most of our new recruits are only 4 years old when they join the Kusasa-family, and we welcomed our new learners on 17 January without a single tear. Our most recent fun included a blind taste test to expose us to new tastes and explore our palates. We wish all our newest members a loving journey with The Kusasa Academy.

Looking Sharp!

Two of our most valuable staff members, Cheryl Boonzaaier and Patricia Tshisa, are always so proud of what they do at The Kusasa Academy. This dream team is in charge of cleaning, upkeep, and keeping the kitchen flowing for our learners. This is why we thought it well to equip them with their very own team uniform. Well done, ladies!


Physical fitness will always be important at The Kusasa Academy, and in the spirit of getting the ball rolling in the new year, our boys already had their first soccer practice.

A Day in Uniform

The first day of Grade 1 can be quite scary and challenging. Our learners showed up with their brand new uniforms in mid-January with brave smiles and polished shoes. We wish all our Grade 1s a smooth transition to “big school”.

A Picnic With Loved Ones

Our learners had the opportunity to have a picnic with their loved ones in the courtyard of The Kusasa Academy. Our Grade 3s and 4s were first up, followed by the Grade 1s and 2s, and the Grade 0s and Rs were last in line. We mingled, played games, and had treats. Surely a tradition in the making.